Diagonistic Centre
Specialized : General
Location/Country/Area : New Bus Terminal, Tangail 1900
Number of Beds: 30
Specialized : General
Location/Country/Area : House #16, Road # 2, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
Number of Beds: 100
State and art Facility and Specialized Hospital.
Specialized : specialized & General Hospital
Location/Country/Area : Dhaka
Number of Beds: 250
Specialized : 2354355
Location/Country/Area : 54545
Number of Beds: 35454
this is title of hospital
Specialized : this is sp
Location/Country/Area : Sunamganj
Number of Beds: 50
Specialized : Specialized
Location/Country/Area : 25 Block c
Number of Beds: 100
Specialized : fggh
Location/Country/Area : rhty erthruet rt
Number of Beds: 100